Introduction to Zen Focusing
6 once-a-week classes, a Zen Focusing Manual, plus a once-a-week Zen Focusing practice session.
Classes led by Roshis Genmitsu & Genki
Learn an essential, emotional healing, Core Practice of the Zen Garland Order and access to untapped creativity. Master the Practice during SPRING ANGO.
Course Dates: 6 Fridays, 5:30 – 7:30 pm ET
March 7, 14, 21, 28: April 4, 18, 2025
Cost includes 6 classes, organized practice sessions in between classes with experienced mentors & The Zen Focusing manual.
Zen Focusing is a meditative way of awakening to, reintegrating, and healing wounded and un-acknowledged parts of ourselves that many spiritual practices do not address, but bypass! The Zen Garland Way is to turn toward what’s difficult, what blocks us, what causes us to engage in repetitive harmful behaviors.
From a healing perspective, rather than to deny, repress, transcend, or ignore the difficult and unknown, Zen Focusing allows us to become aware of unexplored aspects of ourselves. Threads of problematic memories, difficult emotions, distorted beliefs and problematic behavior patterns intertwine and are stuck in a knot (klesha). When applying Zen Focusing to access new, creative ideas and approaches, attention to somatic sensations related to our focus brings forth new associations, insights, and forward moving energies.