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The Zen Garland Way – A basic course on the Ever Intimate Path & Practice of ZEN

Roshi Monika Genmitsu Kahn is offering a 3- months practice workshop to accompany the 14 video lectures on Roshi Genki’s “Introduction to the Zen Garland Way – The Ever Intimate of Zen Practice.”

Thursday evening: 6:15 – 7:00pm
January 11/18/25In
February 1/15/22/29
March 7/14/21/28
April 4

Students need to be enrolled in the video course to participate.

In 12, 45-minute, in person (streamed online) sessions. In each session we will walk through one of Genki’s introductory lectures, discuss, expand and refine our understanding. We will explore how to practice in daily life what you are learning. We will have time to answer your questions, discuss how to gently work through trial, errors and failures, and how to seek preciseness and excellence of being.

It takes a lifetime or more to understand what we are doing in Zen Practice, this workshop will give you glimpses of what to cultivate and look for.

Beginners in Zen Practice and beginning teachers are welcome to join.



Roshi Monika Genmitsu Kahn is a Zen Master Teacher and Zen Buddhist Priest. Together with her husband Roshi Paul Genki Kahn she is the co-founder of the Zen Garland Order, the Ancient Oaks Zen Community and the Practice of Zen Focusing. Originally a Swiss mountaineer she is also the lineage holder in Zen Garland’s Red Path Zen trained and transmitted by Grandfather Shook Sings-Alone Roshi.

Genmitsu works as a professional Compassionate Bereavement Care Counselor and Family Services Coordinator for the MISS Foundation and the Selah Carefarm, providing services and aid to traumatically bereaved families in their difficult grieving process.